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Indoor Zumba Class


About Me


My name is Steve Lewis

My background was in bodybuilding & martial arts 

I’ve had asthma since childhood

I had a heart attack at 40.

Following more tests, they found I had type 2 diabetes and other medical conditions. 

I put on a lot of weight through the medication I was prescribed 

I couldn’t walk more than 50 yards without fighting for breath

I decided to go back to the gym 

A few things frustrated me about being back in the gym

• The cost of personal trainers/gym membership can be high

• Many gyms are elitist, and the clientele makes some people feel uncomfortable

• Many trainers don’t have the knowledge needed to train people with medical problems

• People who are medically retired need the gym but are still charged full price

I’m now 60 years old. 

I decided to go on a personal trainer course, i was told I was too fat and that I’d never become a personal trainer 

I did the level 2 fitness instructor course and passed 

I did the Level 3 Personal trainer course and passed 

I did the Advanced trainer course and passed 

I did the Group exercise training course and passed 

I then did the exercise referrals course and passed 

At the moment, I am studying Level 4 obesity diabetes and weight management specialization course

Throughout my entire journey, I’ve been told that I can’t do it and given various reasons why I can’t 

I don’t believe in negativity, and I don’t believe in can’t do 

Healthy body Healthy mind

Positive mind Positive Body 

If you want something badly enough, you can achieve it 

Obesity is a problem and can lead to a wide range of other problems

Stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, cardiac problems, depression, anxiety the list can go on and on 

Some people cannot afford gyms, special diets, or personal trainers or just don’t find the gym accessible. 

I train and advise for FREE to all genders, all ethnicities, people on a low income, and people suffering from various medical ailments.

Slimnastic Community Interest Company is a non-profit company. 

All funds go-to equipment and maintenance of any equipment 

And allows me to continue doing what I’m doing and reaching the people that need it 

I welcome any type of donation, even £1

As I see it, every £1 is one step closer to my dream of creating a charity to help people suffering from obesity, diabetes and a wide range of medical problems. Physical or mental 

I do all of my training in the park 

Once established I intend to expand the project  

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